Feed Tel Aviv Holocaust Survivors Holiday Outreach
This year, our Passover holocaust survivors event was especially meaningful for all of us! We all felt a special sense of joy, and many of the survivors asked us about our faith, much more than in previous years, and there was a great openness for us to share about our hope in Messiah.

Holocaust Remembrance Day comes the week after the Passover holiday, so it is very meaningful for us to celebrate the victory of life over death with these survivors. We even had the honor to celebrate the 95th birthday of Yosef (in the picture below), a man who has endured unimaginable trials in the holocaust and in his life afterwards. Seeing him with a smile on his face, celebrating his 95th birthday with us, truly delighted my heart! Our sincerest thanks to all of you who support this important outreach!

TEL AVIV Street Outreach
When the weather warms up, we like to head out to the parks in Tel Aviv to share the gospel: we call it our “Gospel Grill Outreach”. We bring food, grills, and instruments for worship. When planning this outreach, we felt led to head to a specific area on the sea boardwalk in Tel Aviv, a place where there are paths and grassy areas where we could set up our grills. Little did we know the place we were set up would become a place the enemy would attack: the next day after our outreach, a terrorist rammed his car into a group of tourists who were in the grassy area where we held our outreach, sadly killing one man.
Everyone who participated felt that there was a special openness in the people they had the opportunity to speak to, and they felt that there was grace in their conversations with them. There was also a group of bible students from Glaubenszentrum bible school in Germany who did a wonderful job of talking with people and sharing the hope they have in the Jewish Messiah. People also approached the group when they were worshipping to ask them about who they are.

Quite a few people took home New Testaments and booklets with the biblical prophesies about the Messiah. Several people we spoke to said that they would like to be in touch with us to learn more. Several days later, a woman the group witnessed to, came to our main service and was deeply touched by the message. Since then, she has been back every week. Praise God! Please pray for all the people whom God brought into our path during this outreach, that the seeds of the gospel would fall on good soil and that the Holy Spirit would water them to bring forth a harvest of salvation.
Philip says:
Wow! God bless you all in yeshuas name. I love you all and will always pray for you and the peace of Israel. From a messianic supporter and lover of the people of Israel