by Moti Cohen
Each week we are on the streets in south Tel Aviv, handing out food and ministering to the poorest of the poor in our nation – drug addicts, those enslaved in the sex industry, and those who have fallen on hard times. Now that Israel is in its second national quarantine and the country’s whole economy is shut down again, people who were in a hard place to begin with are in dire straits. That is why our mercy outreach in these times is so critical.
Each week I encounter people whose stories would break your heart. Each week God touches someone in an amazing way. There is one story I would like to share about a man I met on the street who shares my name: Moti. My experience with Moti deeply impacted me and the volunteers who were there serving with me.
Last Thursday we started our weekly food distribution as usual: covid-usual, that is, which means we cannot be in our soup kitchen facility and instead walk the streets handing out sandwiches and drinks where the addicts end up.
I approached a thin man who was sitting against a building who looked exhausted. I asked him if he wanted something to eat. “Yes,” he replied. “I haven’t eaten in two days.”

I gave him two sandwiches and sat with him while he ate. I asked him his name, and he said, “Moti.” I told him that is my name too and asked him how he is doing.
“If you want to know the truth,” he told me, “I don’t want to live anymore. In fact, I have been asking God to just take me.”
Moti shared with me his story, which, sadly, is the story I have heard from so many who end up on the streets: He had a job, a home, a family, and then he became addicted to drugs. In the clutches of his addiction, he lost everything: his job, his home, all his money. All his possessions. And his family too.
“My family tried to help me. But then I would steal from them to be able to buy more drugs,” he sighed. “I lost everything. Now I’m on the street, and I just want God to take me.”
“So, if you want God to take your life,” I asked him, “why don’t you give your life to God?” I started to share with Moti the message of the gospel when he stopped me: “I’ve heard it before. I know all about Yeshua,” he told me. Somewhat skeptical, I asked him, “Okay, tell me what you know.”
Moti started telling me that the Hebrew prophets spoke of the suffering servant Messiah who would come and give his life for the people, that Yeshua came as the Messiah, lived a perfect righteous life, was crucified and rose again, and that His blood is the atonement for our sins.
He absolutely knew the gospel! I asked him if he wanted to pray and give his life to Yeshua. Moti said yes, but when I asked him to pray after me, he said, “No, I need to pray from my heart.”
At that moment, Moti closed his eyes and started praying: he cried out to God, thanking Him for forgiveness through Yeshua, asking Yeshua to come into his life. I and those who were with me felt the presence of the Holy Spirit as he prayed. It was one of the most powerful moments I have ever experienced in all my years serving on the streets. Moti gave his life to Yeshua there on the street.
We prayed for him, gave him the contact information of drug rehabilitation centers run by believers and encouraged him to go. Please keep Moti in prayer!
During this time that Israel is again in the midst of a health and economic crisis, the situation of the poor and needy is getting worse, and there are many who need our help. Your support enables us to continue being there for them. Thank you!
Risha Bowman says:
This story touched my heart and made me cry. It truly shows who Jesus Christ is, loving and full of compassion and mercy and grace. Thank you so much for all you do. Letting others know they are not forgotten.
Tiferet Yeshua says:
Thank you Risha!
Anders Å Moberg says:
Hallelu-Yah! What a wonderful story.
Tiferet Yeshua says:
God is good! Blessings to you Anders
David says:
Pour your spirit over the city and let them know who you are. Accomplish your prophecy, Ezekiel 36 and Jeremiah 31:31. Lift up your name in the city. Send the spirit of miracle to Moti and let him do for your glory. Praise you name .
Tiferet Yeshua says:
Amen! Thank you for the prayer David!
Dalia Cohen says:
Moti Cohen תודה thank you so much for let God to use you this way.
I am an Israeli that lives in the USA for over 30 years.
I did not know their are so many drug addicts in Tel Aviv.
I grew up in Hifa.
Again, thank you Moti Cohen.
I will be praying for your safety and that The God of Israel will use you as needed
Very emotional store.
Beshem Yeshua.
Tiferet Yeshua says:
Dear Dalia, תודה רבה לך על העידוד!
Yes, south Tel Aviv not far from us is known to be the worst area is Israel for drugs and homelessness. Since it is not far from our congregation, we feel it is our calling to be there every week as the hands and feet of our Lord Yeshua! Moti has Yeshua’s heart: he cooks all the food in his home, organizes the volunteers, hands out the food and prays and ministers the the broken and needy on the street. Keep Moti and his family in prayer! Blessings from Israel אחותנו, ותבואי לבקר!
Luisa says:
May the Lord keep blessing you guys as you continue sharing your time and lives with those in great need. God is so faithful with those that are faithful with Him . Love and blessings from Chile.
Tiferet Yeshua says:
Thank you Luisa!
Mark Rodgers says:
Thank you Moti and everyone at Tiferet Yeshua. Thank you for having the courage and the love to reach out to those in need. We pray for you daily. May you be filled with strength, wisdom and most of all the Spirit of Adonai.
Tiferet Yeshua says:
Thank you Mark! God is so good, and He is using Moti (one of the most beloved people ever) in a powerful way. Please pray for Moti because he hurt his knee and his street outreach is very physically demanding. He is in need of complete healing for his knee. Thank you!