The Breaking Point
For me personally, the first year of covid restrictions and quarantine that we went through in Israel was a very trying time. However, the week of Passover was especially difficult. My husband and I usually host a large Passover meal for our extended family (I love to cook, especially the Tunisian and Moroccan dishes I grew up with). This year, however, because of the quarantine restrictions, I decided to cook Passover meals to bring to my elderly in-laws who live nearby, for another family member in a difficult situation, and for another elderly lady from our congregation.
As Passover drew near, we were in our third week of total quarantine, and my family and I were starting to feel the effects. I suddenly found that I couldn’t sleep at night, and my exhaustion during the day made it all the more difficult to deal with the challenging situation, not to mention all the extra work I had taken on for the holiday.
As part of the team at Tiferet Yeshua, I have a calling to be there for others: one of my daily activities, even more so now, is to call our congregation members, pray with those who need encouraging, and coordinate with our team to help those who are in immediate need. I didn’t realize it at the time, but trying to be there for everyone, including my immediate and extended family, I was reaching a breaking point.
I was sharing with a sister in the Lord about the difficult time I had been having during quarantine. At one point she said to me, “Olga, even though you’re exhausted, do you realize that you have been witnessing to people right and left?”
It hadn’t occurred to me as something out of the ordinary, but actually it was! I had told her how a family member who had always been antagonistic to the gospel was suddenly open to hear about Yeshua and was even willing to take home some literature to read about the Messiah in prophetic scripture. This family member has been completely broken through the corona crisis because his wife fell into clinical depression during the quarantine and had to be hospitalized. I also had an opportunity to share with one of my neighbors who spent time in a Yeshiva (a Jewish religious school) as a young man. Now, because of this crazy situation we all find ourselves in, he is suddenly seeking and open to hear about Yeshua.
A Prophetic Dream from 20 Years Ago
When we first went into quarantine, the Lord had put on my heart a powerful dream that He gave me almost twenty years ago when I was a brand new believer—a time when I was still immature in the faith and living in compromise in many ways. However, it is amazing to me that despite our weakness and immaturity (think of Peter the disciple), the Lord will still give us deep and amazing revelations!
In the dream, I was dressed in the clothes of Moses, and I held his staff in my hand. I was walking the streets crying out to those around me, “Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand!” The sky overhead was dark and foreboding, and I saw an explosion far away to the north, like something happening somewhere else that I knew would come to Israel too. As I walked the streets, crying out to those around me, I could see that my words were going into the hearts of many, and God was touching them. There were others who did not receive my words, and I could see their hearts harden and turn away from God.

While I was sharing with my friend about my experiences during the corona quarantine, I realized that this dream the Lord gave me from so many years ago is for now! I may feel tired and broken at the moment, but God is using me to witness to those around me who are open to the gospel like never before. And it’s not just me: during Tiferet Yeshua’s congregational Zoom meeting, Tiferet Yeshua elder David Trubeck shared how secular friends of his from the military who were never open to the gospel have suddenly started asking him questions about his faith. Elder Moti Cohen and others who witness to the poor and needy have been seeing unprecedented hunger and openness for the gospel. Other outreach ministries in Israel have been experiencing the same thing.
Pray for the Harvest
At the beginning of the quarantine, Pastor Gil shared with all of us that he felt that the Lord would use this crisis to turn the hearts of many unbelievers to seek Him, and that is exactly what is happening. Would you stand with us during this time to pray that the Lord would bring in the harvest here in Israel? There is such resistance to the gospel here—Israelis have so many hurdles to get over to be open to the gospel—and we need your prayers! God is moving, and our prayer is that what is happening here in Israel through the corona crisis will happen all around the world.
by Olga Gez
Frances says:
I’m so blessed to read this article,it encouraged me this morning to keep on thanking God for revival in Israel.
I keep thanking HIM for pouring out His spirit on your people. It is constantly on my heart… we must press on. Now is the time for the nation of Israel. I pray for you to be strengthened and full of His courage. May you continue to do what you are doing. God is sufficient and He will continue to use you. Oh Lord set the captives free. Shine Jesus shine,blaze spirit blaze,flow river flow. Holy Spirit you are so welcome..come and fill your people, pour out your love upon them,let them see you Father. More if you and less of us. We worship you and adore you. We now down before you. Be exalted oh God! Be glorified!
All my love.
Gay block says:
Thank you I needed this today I’m living in a senior home and known as the local fanatic. But I realize that people will call me if they want to know more about God having all this time on our hands is certainly an eye-opener. And I will pray the Lord uses me to reach out to those to get interested in Baltimore Maryland. Thanks for posting
Helen Stengel says:
Praying that MANY would be saved during this period. Softening of many hearts, wisdom and revelation. ‘The Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost’. (Luke 19:10.)
Susan Ingagliato says:
My prayers are with you all.
Patricia says:
Hello Olga! Your story jumped right out at me! About 15 years ago in the middle of the night I had a terrible dream. In it I was walking with hundreds of people that I did not know except my family members. All of a sudden there was an explosion like a nuclear bomb. Everyone turned and was running the other way! I turned to see if I could see my children but they were engulfed by many others. As the force of fire and gushing wind came closer, I turned once again. As I turned again a tiger lunged at me. Here I woke up only to go into a deep sleep. I had experienced such feaf that I had a stroke. Although i recovered in time I could not shake the dream. Then one day I had a vision. I was standing near a mountain calling to people to cross over a bit of water and climb the mountain. Those that did remained dressed as they were but those that refused were dressed all in brown and fell into the water and drowned. I was puzzled by this until I realized that the brown represented mud and man. Just lately I was reminded of the two and they were joined back to back. I have been a believer for 35 years years now but today this dream joined together and makes alot of sense. The Lord has given us one last chance and He is giving us a mountain to climb . At the end of that vision was a bright light and His glory shone on those who persevered. May Yeshua comfort all who are seeking Him, for joy comes in the morning.
It says this in the bible:
″I will extol you, O LORD, for you have drawn me up and have not let my foes rejoice over me.
O LORD my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me.
O LORD, you have brought up my soul from Sheol;
you restored me to life from among those who go down to the pit.
Sing praises to the LORD, O you his saints, and give thanks to his holy name.
For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime.
Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.
Psalm 30:1-5 ESV
Keren Bar says:
How wonderful to hear that hearts are opening to receive Yeshua. Praying for you all
Wendy Clark says:
I am more than happy to pray in agreement that the LORD of the Harvest will bring the right people together, those who will tell of Messiah and those that are hungry and willing to hear what Yeshua has already provided for His special inheritance, His chosen people to receive their Messiah. May there be boldness to proclaim the Gospel message.
Yeshua is L_ORD of all. Amen!
Blessings and Shalom
Wendy Clark
Asher says:
Powerful and encouraging!Baruch Hashem
seongdeok says:
Amen. Thank you.
Wendy says:
Amen, I will join in prayer. The time is coming when the blindfolds will fall off the Jews and they will see Jesus for who He is, their Messiah.
Gay Ford says:
Yes, YHWH is Working around the whole world! In Romans HE has warned us Gentiles as well as foretold HIS Coming back to the Jews! I believe since all the dates of the Jewish Holy Dates we can see it is HIS Time now for Israel! I Pray constantly for this as well as stand up against the Gentiles believing in ‘ Replacement Theology ! Yes, HE goes out every day as Sure as the Sun! Love To Each of You! I made one trip over to Israel! Loved every minute…..about 14 years ago. Love, Gay Ford Florida
Abiodun Akinkoye says:
In this Covid 19 Virus Lockdown, the long awaited grafting back that Paul wrote about will increase in this season in the Mighty Name of Jesus (our Yeshua Ha Mashiak). I experienced depression and depressive moments in the past. My experiencial knowledge of Jesus gave me Total deliverance. He will draw men and I pray the Lord of harvest to bring Labourers into His harvest. Amen
Vivien Firth says:
Thrilled to hear Olgas testimony I pray for Israel every day, asking that eyes will be opened to see Jesus as Messiah. I love Israel so much. I am writing this during the night as I was attached by a dog on an early morning walk which ended up with me spending a morning in hospital having fifteen stitches i my face. But God in my weakness is helping me get through each day with a husband whose hip operation was been delayed two years and now is in further delay because of corona virus. I cannot sleep in the normal position because of stitches in my face but as I am having to lie down in an opposite way to normal it is to me a picture of what is going on. We have to bring the flesh in line with the spirit and whether night or day surrender all to Christ for the hour is late and a harvest is ripe and we have to be alert to God speaking to us in new ways and through His Precious Word to be available in this preparation tie before He returns. The season after corona will look different to anything we have ever seen before but our Wonderful Saviour will been seen by many as the church arises to fulfil its destiny and Jew and Gentile work together for the advancement of His Kingly purposes now. and forever.
Yachal Hope Cummins says:
God’s chosen people seen to be attacked. I pray God’s wisdom, blessing and protection over all of you.
Patricia Ketcham says:
I was moved by Olga’s message , Paul said when I am weak then I am strong. It was for me uplifting in this moment, and day and corona isolation. Thank you thank you.
Margaret Kerry says:
Praying for you dear children of the Father. I have just been reading from Isaiah this morning. The section from ch. 30:19-30 seems very applicable Love to you in Yeshua’s Name.
Celso Silva says:
Olá Moisés e Elias á estão na terra fazendo os mesmos sinais…inclusive dia 22dez2019 eles chamaram a densa e escura nuvem de Moisés e ela veio…eles estão pregando arrependimento e santidade….eles são os mensageiros de Malaquias 3 e 4 e as duas testemunhas de apocalipse 11….se vocês quiserem mais detalhes, entre em contato comigo…..sou pastor do ministério deles…..
Celso – Brazil
Celso Silva says:
Seu comentário aguarda moderação.
Olá Moisés e Elias estão em terra fazendo os mesmos sinais… inclusive no dia 22de2019 eles chamam a densidade e a nuvem escura de Moisés e ela veio… eles estão pregando arrependimento e santidade… .eles são os mensageiros de Malaquias 3 e 4 e duas vezes de apocalipse 11… .se você quiser mais detalhes, entre em contato comigo… ..ou pastor do ministério deles… ..
Celso – Brasil
Randy Cañares says:
Amen! I’m so blessed with your testimony Ma’am may you please pray for the salvation of my whole family and may the Lord Jesus used me too to tell them the good news of Jesus our Messiah! Amen! Thank you so much!
Peter Hartgerink says:
Powerful message. I’m not Jewish and don’t live in Israel but I do pray for Tiferet Yeshua and I am so encouraged by this word. May the Lord bring much fruit during this difficult season.
Wayne Gross says:
Praying in general for all of the people of Israel and for my newly discovered family of 21 . Thank you for wonderful testimony that will give hope to many!