Egypt and the Coronavirus: Coming through the Narrow Place

As Jews around the world prepare their hearts to recount the story of how God brought us out of Egypt, God is highlighting new significance in certain elements of the Passover story as we find ourselves in the midst of the Coronavirus crisis which is bringing nations around the world to their knees. In Hebrew we call this time “The Exodus from Egypt”, and I feel that God is bringing His bride, the international ecclesia, through a spiritual “Exodus from Egypt”.

Finding a Clue in the Hebrew Word for Egypt

In Hebrew, the word for Egypt is Meetzraim which literally means a very narrow place. To come out of Egypt, the Children of Israel had to pass through a narrow, difficult way. They were afforded salvation from the curse of death by putting the blood of the Passover lamb over the entrance of their homes. However, in order to come into the Promised Land, they had to go through numerous challenges and difficulties which would test their faith in the God who had just redeemed them from death and freed them from slavery.

Coming through the Narrow Place

I believe that right now during this time of Passover God is bringing the Body of Messiah through a very narrow place—a place of troubles, difficulties and hardships. In order to pass through this “narrow, difficult place”, God is removing from us the excess baggage which hinders and holds us back. In his unfailing love and grace, He is shaping us through these difficult times more into the image of His Son.

The Mixed Multitude in the Narrow Place

“Then the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides children. A mixed multitude went up with them also…” Exodus 12:37-38

Passover has deep literal and symbolic meanings for the past, present and future, and the “mixed multitude” coming out of Egypt clearly shows that God’s plan from the beginning was to have a special people from every tribe, tongue and nation (Exodus 19:5-6, I Peter 2:5, Revelation 1:6; 5:10). So, what happens when a large number of people have to go through a narrow place together? They naturally have to get closer to each other! In addition to the many things God is doing in our hearts if we allow Him during this time, He is also calling us to a deeper unity and connection with our brothers and sisters in the faith around us!


0 thoughts on “Egypt and the Coronavirus: Coming through the Narrow Place

  • Ronda Lowrie says:

    Is it significant that the Jewish people must celebrate their traditional Passover feast at home amongst their close family members this year in Covid-19 lockdown ?

  • Deon Barnard says:

    Thanks for a very concise massage of such a mighty message.
    I wish Tiferet Yeshua a very meaningful Passover.
    So sad that so many Jews will be celebrating without knowing the real Lamb of the Passover.
    But we know that a time is coming when ” That at name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,to the glory of God the Father.”
    Philippians 2 : 10-11(NKJV also Rom. 14 v 11)
    May God be with Israel in these trying times!

    Deon from Mossel Bay Bible Baptist Church, South Africa

  • Christine Ingram says:

    Hello I believe that God is calling us back to Him we have shut God out,to many times and in what we are going through is nothing to God He is much bigger then this enemy, I enjoyed reading this and keep it going.


  • Christine Ingram says:

    Hello I believe that God is calling us back to Him we have shut God out,to many times and in what we are going through is nothing to God He is much bigger then this enemy, I enjoyed reading this and keep it going.


  • Josef Shitaleni says:

    Wonderful to hear the meaning of Egypt; a very narrow place. In live on earth we are in Egypt! Give the meaning of Easter, Good Friday and Passover?

  • Roberta Lynn Meckley says:

    Excellent commentary. A time of being strengthened by remembering all His past deliverances from the plagues to build faith for His attention toward us and His ability to provide a way through the sea and give water and food, protection in the wilderness…

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