Shining the Light of God’s Salvation

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” -Isaiah 9:2

Israel is at war, and the darkness over this nation has never been heavier.

Not since the Holocaust has the Jewish nation known such suffering and tragedy. More than ever, the Israeli people are afraid, broken and traumatized by the horrific attack from Hamas and the ensuing war.

At Tiferet Yeshua, it is our calling to shine the light of salvation in the darkness, to be a lighthouse and safe harbor in the storm.

During this crisis, we are shining the light of Yeshua to our nation in a practical way by:

  • Providing essential care packages to IDF combat units
  • Supporting families evacuated from the south
  • Providing immediate aid to organizations directly assisting soldiers and refugees from the south

An Awakening

In tribulation and fear, people start searching for real answers. During the COVID crisis, unprecedented numbers of Israelis reached out to us seeking information about the Messiah and the New Testament. Many committed their lives to Yeshua during that time after being discipled by our ministry team.

We believe that God is doing the same thing through this even greater crisis, and we are already beginning to see signs of another awakening:

  • Those receiving our care packages and aid are asking us about our faith and are incredibly open
  • God is sending us “divine appointments” with Israelis who are secret believers in need of discipleship and fellowship

Keeping Oil in Our Lamps

Along with being a light to our nation, we continue to take care of our Tiferet Yeshua Congregation family – strengthening, encouraging and continuing our fellowship as the Body of Messiah.

We cannot serve as a light to others if we do not have enough oil in our lamps.

Oil is each believer’s deep, personal relationship with God established on the Word and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Believers cannot be strong in the Lord without being connected to a healthy, local fellowship.

At Tiferet Yeshua, we are raising up believers to be bright and shining lamps during this time of fear and darkness by:

  • Being rooted in the Word of God (Hebrew Bible and New Testament)
  • Seeking the Holy Spirit to work in and through us by the gifts of the Spirit
  • Strengthening and encouraging believers through weekly meetings, counseling and discipleship
  • Equipping believers to serve according to their unique gifts and callings
  • Supporting believers in need and offering grants for studies or outreach
  • Teaching and leading believers to share their faith through weekly outreaches to the homeless and monthly street outreaches

Right now, the people of Israel are fearful, brokenhearted, and walking in darkness. We want to shine God’s love and the brightness of His salvation at this critical moment in our history. We invite you to join us to make that happen in Israel today.

Together our light shines so much brighter!
