Two thousand years ago, the light of the gospel first went out to the nations from the port of Jaffa—today’s Tel Aviv. (Acts 10) Once again, the light of the gospel is shining in the port city of Tel Aviv, but this time it is to the restored Jewish nation living in the Land where it all began. Here is one story of salvation among many from the last several years at Tiferet Yeshua that we want to share with you.
Several years ago, Yechiel had a powerful encounter with Yeshua after a woman from Tiferet Yeshua shared the gospel with him while they were waiting for the bus. She then connected him with Moti and Kosta from our pastoral team, and they started studying the New Testament together.
Since then, Yehiel has grown in his faith in amazing ways: the fruit of the Holy Spirit is evident in his life, and the love of Yeshua shines in his eyes. Because of his past experience with drug addiction and being on the streets, Yechiel volunteers every week with Moti at our Feed Tel Aviv outreach to homeless drug addicts in south Tel Aviv.
Two-thousand years ago, devoted Jewish believers in this city brought the light of the gospel to the nations for the first time. Today, we need the help of devoted believers in the nations to help us bring the light of the gospel back to where it all started. Tel Aviv is one of the most expensive cities in the world, which means we cannot keep a congregation in downtown Tel Aviv without your help!
Has God put a burden on your heart for Israel? Do you want to be a part of shining the light of salvation during this dark time of tribulation in Israel?
Consider joining us to help shine the light of hope and life in Israel today!