Many in Israel are feeling anxious, uncertain and isolated right now because of the covid-19 crisis: the question is, are they more or less open to the gospel as a result? Since coming out of our covid lockdown in the end of May here in Israel, we felt the Lord calling us back out onto the streets to witness. God put it on the heart of Kosta, who recently joined our ministry team, to lead a weekly street outreach in Tel Aviv. As a congregation, we encourage a lifestyle of witnessing to friends, families, coworkers and people we come across in our everyday lives. However, there is a special calling and anointing for evangelists who go out onto the streets to share the gospel.

This week Kosta and David, one of Tiferet Yeshua’s most faithful evangelists, hit the streets of Tel Aviv: with them they had New Testaments and Who is the Messiah of Israel? booklets which detail all the Old Testament prophesies about the Messiah. Both Kosta and David have much experience witnessing on the street, and they were both surprised by people’s reactions to them.
More than ever before, people are open to discussing God and the Messiah of Israel. Kosta and David handed out fifteen prophecy booklets, and five people were willing to take New Testaments – which is amazing. Jewish people have ingrained in them that it is forbidden to even touch the New Testament because it is perceived as an anti-Semitic, Christian book. When we witness to people, we share with them that it is a Jewish book, written by Jews, and that is has the gospel of life which was intended to the Jews first and then to the whole world. More and more Jews are willing to find out for themselves whether this forbidden book, the New Testament, is a Jewish book or not.
The last person Kosta and David talked to left a strong impression on them: he was a young man who had grown up in an orthodox family but had become secular. He told David and Kosta: “You are Messianic Jews? I have been following your teachings and videos! Just yesterday I was watching a teaching by Messianic Jews online.” This man took a New Testament and the booklet with the prophetic messianic scriptures. God is moving and people are open to the gospel like never before. Please pray for us! Just as the Apostle Paul requested prayer to be able to effectively preach the gospel, we need your prayers as well:
“Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel… Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.” Ephesians 6:19-20
“Brothers and sisters, pray for us. Pray that the Lord’s message will spread quickly. Pray that others will honor it just as you did.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1
Jacque says:
Thank you for what you do and may the God Of Abraham , Issac and Jacob bless you and all your work.
Felishia Freddy says:
We are from Horeb the biblical Hebrew school in India love to hear from you
Anders Å Moberg says:
I love to read this encouriging article. I love you guys and I continously tell friends and acquaintances here in Sweden, both Jews and non-Jews about your work, and it is also inspirational in my own work for the Lord when I hit the streets and squares and parks as a missionary in south Sweden and other tasks for the Lord Yeshua. I love you guys. Stay blessed beshem Yeshua Meshicheynu,
Jerry M. Fay says:
Wear the masks and wear them properly others and yourself. Doing so is another slant of loving yourself. Finding Yeshua and encountering the Covid both have implications.
Cindy Rushton says:
Crisis opens doors that cannot be opened otherwise. I am surrounding you guys in prayer this morning. I am asking God to open doors wide . Blessings upon all you guys do!
Pieter says:
Here is a question and its 2 follow-ups which can be used on the streets:
1. Do you think everything the Palestinian leaders are doing is in the best interest of their people?
2. If not, do you think the leaders of Israel around 30CE did the best they could for their people?
3. If not, is it possible that they acted in the way they did because they felt threatened by the Galilean?
Lance Wonders says:
Great news! Meanwhile, is there a way for those of us here in the States to get copies in English of the Messianic prophecies booklet?
Diane says:
Wow! So happy to see this! Keep going and sharing Him planting seeds and reaping harvest!
Sister Abagail Judah says:
Shalom! How Beautiful it is to hear of young couples growing in the LORD ADONAI, blossoming into a maturity level of great service, in service to our GOD in continuing the Kingdom building work of YESHUA. Truly, HOW Beautiful! I Pray the LORD will Keep Kosta, David and their families in my prayers. My FATHER GOD, B’Shem YESHUA, lead them, guide them by HIS WORD & Ruach HaKodesh and Keep them safe as they serve the MESSIAH and others, unto the LORD. May every need be provided for and may they develop the Gift of Improvisional skills in the midst of any challenges they face as they fulfill all that FATHER GOD ELOHIM has Entrusted to them in building up HIS KINGDOM in YESHUA. B’Shem YESHUA, Amen!
Sister Abagail
Sister Abagail Judah says:
PS. I meant I will keep Tiferet Ministries, Kosta & his Family AND David and HIS Family in my prayers…. Kosta & His Wife, David & His Wife and their families. B’Shem YESHUA, Amen.
Bella says:
I am so excited to hear this good news! I too am sharing the Lord with young people and others here in Virginia. Today I was able to speak with several young men. Many young people here that have a Christian up bringing have not read the Bible in a long time. We are co-laborers for Messiah. Please pray for me to be more bold and scriptural references to come to me while witnessing. Blessings
Nancy Miller says:
This article was SO encouraging!!! May The Lord of the harvest continue to send out passionate ambassadors into His harvest. All over the world.
What Translation is the Ephesians Scripture? I have looked it up in all of my translations and cannot find that one. It’s beautiful!
Mark Rodgers says:
PRAISE YESHUA!!! Indeed the God of Israel is moving in Israel! May He Bless you and give you strength, may He give you wisdom and the words to speak, may He send you divine appointments and equip you to bring in the harvest.